


所謂突破性感染(breakthrough infection),指的是明明已接種疫苗,卻仍確診。突破性感染廣泛地來說,不管施打幾劑、隔多久接種下一劑疫苗,只要接種後感染,都屬突破性感染。因此,在討論突破性感染時,通常還需要考慮到其他細部因素:施打劑量、劑次、各劑之間施打的間隔、施打完畢多久等。











澳洲生醫科學與藥學專家巴特列(Nathan Bartlett)援引數據指出,平均而言,接種莫德納疫苗作為追加劑(第三針)2~4週後,有症狀感染保護力約回升到60~70%;15週後降回30~40%。在日本,Omicron確診者就有7成是打過疫苗的人。即使接種第三劑,還是會感染。好消息是住院、重症保護力仍在,疫苗從90%降到75%,莫德納疫苗能衝到90~95%左右。


美國醫學網站Web Med分析,容易造成突破性感染的要素包括:








What’s the difference in protection against Omicron between 2 doses and 3 doses of vaccine?

Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt said last week he expects the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) to change the definition of “fully vaccinated” to three doses instead of two.

It comes as evidence emerges suggesting the highly infectious Omicron variant has the ability to escape the protection two vaccine doses offer.

So, how effective are two doses compared to three against Omicron?

Let’s break it down.

Two doses don’t protect much against Omicron

Vaccine protection against Omicron is reduced for two reasons.

First, antibodies generated by vaccination gradually wane over time. There are now many countries that are more than a year into their COVID vaccine rollout, so many people have received their second COVID jab over six months ago.

Without boosting, their antibody levels will have dropped significantly. Australia was a little slower off the mark – but now finds itself in a similar situation.

The second reason is Omicron can escape vaccine-induced immunity because of its constellation of mutations. Its spike protein (the bit that helps the virus access our cells) is significantly different to Delta’s, and to the original virus from which our vaccines are based.

The critical part of the spike protein is the “receptor binding domain”. It latches onto a protein on our cells called ACE-2 so the virus can gain entry. Delta had two mutations in the receptor binding domain, and Beta had three. Omicron has 15 mutations in its receptor binding domain. As a result, only some of the antibodies the vaccine induces will still bind to Omicron’s spike and inhibit it getting into your cells.

For these reasons, emerging evidence suggests two doses of a COVID vaccine provide just 0-10% protection against infection with Omicron five to six months after the second jab.

So, you really cannot claim you are “fully vaccinated” with just two doses now, particularly if it’s been months since your second dose.

Some protection against severe disease and hospitalisation remains. UK data suggests two doses of AstraZeneca or Pfizer offer around 35% protection against hospitalisation by six months after the second dose.

What about three doses?

Having a booster dose bumps up your antibodies – which is particularly important for Omicron because only some of those antibodies are protective. Emerging evidence suggests protection from symptomatic Omicron infection is restored to 60-75% two to four weeks after a Pfizer or Moderna booster dose.

However, third-dose protection also wanes, down to 30-40% against Omicron infection after 15 weeks.

So, unfortunately breakthrough infections will still be common. Fortunately, protection against hospitalisation remains much higher, up around 90% after a Pfizer booster dose and only dropping to 75% after 10-14 weeks, and 90-95% up to nine weeks after a Moderna booster.

Pfizer and Moderna are currently developing vaccines matched to Omicron, which if approved, should induce better immunity against this variant.

How much more protection is gained from having a third COVID vaccination dose?

Protection against COVID-19 severity; second vs third dose of Pfizer, Moderna or AZ vaccines against COVID-19.

Note: Insufficient data currently available for 6+ month interval of 3 doses.

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