Dolphin 7.3.5 service update

The 7.3.5 is a service update, focusing on the most critical enhancements and fixes. Since most updates are minor this build is considered stable and recommended for all production sites.

Notably, the Dolphin 7.3.5 adds support of reCaptcha v2, which is critical due to reCaptcha v1 service being discontinued on the 1st of April by Google.

Dolphin 7.3.5 is a stable version, recommended for all Dolphin-powered sites.

Columns are added as full-width columns to the pages with one column bug

DolphinConnect/OAuth2: 'state' parameter missing sometimes bug

Tags SQL error bug

Fix wording on forgot password page bug

HTML5 Video Player: disable direct file downloading if downloading is disabled in Flash settings bug

Upgrade to reCaptcha v2 enhancement

Articles (maybe News as well): no link to tags/categories associated with post enhancement

Timeline: some links can break timeline bug

Payment: Manual order for membership does not reset actions limits invalid

Fix appearance of "Share" button in browse.php page bug

Polls: add feature/unfeature button in poll view page enhancement

Private Photos showing blank bug

Feedback: spam in feedback module bug

Incorrect email language detection for some email templates bug

Remember last cron execution time and display it in Host Tools -> Audit enhancement

SQL error when searching for profiles from mobile apps bug

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