16GB iPad mini 成本5,400元



研究業者IHS公司拆解蘋果iPad mini後發現,售價329美元、僅能WiFi上網的基本款16GB iPad mini,零組件成本價約188美元(約新台幣5,496元)。市場預測,這款小型平板電腦上市首周末的銷售上看300萬台。

IHS說,記憶體容量更大的iPad mini零組件價格會隨記憶體成本遞增,售價429美元的32GB版成本價為278美元,售價529美元的64GB成本價是350美元。IHS 並表示,若16GB記憶體的價格為15.5美元,32GB記憶體成本會再增加31美元,64GB會再增加62美元。

除物料成本,IHS也發現iPad mini的若干重要供應商。7.9 吋的觸控螢幕零組件是由樂金顯示器和台灣友達光電供應,顯示器相關零件成本約80美元,約占物料成本的43%。

iPad mini螢幕採用GF2新技術,使其螢幕能比前幾代薄。IHS拆解團隊主管拉斯威勒(Andrew Rassweiler)說,這種新技術造成當時的製造難題,推升螢幕成本,但隨著製造商化解這項難題,成本將會下滑。

三星仍是A5處理器的製造商,繼續和蘋果維持數年來的合作關係,但蘋果似乎也正向其他供應商採購iPad mini的記憶體晶片和顯示器。IHS拆解的iPad mini樣品,包含來自海力士半導體的快閃記憶體晶片,和爾必達的系統記憶體。記憶體物料成本約15.5美元。

拉斯威勒說,其他零組件和以往相差無幾。Cirrus Logic供應音頻晶片,意法半導體供應加速度計,博通供應部分無線晶片,相機鏡頭供應商則和之前一樣無法確定。

市場預期,iPad mini開賣首周末將大受歡迎。BTIG公司的皮塞克預測,iPad mini上市首周末將賣出300萬台,Piper Jaffray的孟斯特預估銷量為100萬到150萬台,Topeka資本市場公司的懷特則預期,iPad mini在2日上市後3天可能賣出80萬到100萬台,但需求可能比銷量大很多。



iPad mini 賣太便宜會傷到New iPad,不得不賣貴,匪夷所思的尺寸,則像是不敢踩Jobs先前的紅線!

雖然說Steve Jobs說得也沒錯,太小的螢幕Size並不太好用,但是對女生來說,事實上可以裝入包包裡面的iPad mini才更合適!

某歐巴桑用iPhone當電子詞典用很久了,可用的時間也有限,用到沒電,連電話都不能打,偏偏iPad又太大,所以她說要去買iPad mini來用,查日文單字剛剛好!


iPad mini可以打電話嗎?帶太多電子設備是很煩的,如果能打電話了話;


喔~iPad mini與標準版的iPad一樣,同樣有Wi-Fi版,以及Wi-Fi+Celluler兩種版本。哈哈Apple的英文,日文網頁都寫得很清楚,但是台灣Apple可說是內容少很多,什麼都沒寫!


Apple - iPad mini - 技術規格



Apple - iPad mini - Ultrafast wireless

Connect to fast cellular networks.

iPad mini supports fast cellular networks around the world — including LTE networks.* So you can download content, stream video, and browse the web at amazing speeds. And if you’re in a location without an LTE network, you’ll still get access to fast GSM/UMTS networks including HSPA, HSPA+, and DC-HSDPA.


アップル - iPad mini - 超高速ワイヤレス接続


すべてのiPad miniのモデルには、Wi-Fi機能が内蔵されています。ネットワーク接続の範囲をさらに


iPad miniは、LTEネットワークを含む世界中の高速携帯電話ネットワークに接続できるので1、コンテンツのダウンロードでも、ビデオのストリーミングでも、ネットサーフィンでも驚くような速さを体験できます。LTEネットワークがない地域でも、HSPA、HSPA+、DC-HSDPAなどの高速GSM/UMTSネットワークにアクセスできます。


不用說,當然有人JB破解以後,就拿來打電話了... 嘿嘿~電信公司沒有配置門號,再猛的破解頂多是可以撥打出去,卻不可能用來「接電話」!請留意示範爛影片,從頭到尾iPad都沒有接過電話!






to be or not to be.



IHS 拆機分析:微軟Surface RT比iPad好賺!





New iPad 32GB + 4G Carries $364.35 Bill of Materials 
March 16, 2012 


The new iPad, equipped with 32 Gigabytes (GB) of NAND flash memory and 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) wireless capability, carries a bill of materials (BOM) of $364.35. When the $10.75 manufacturing costs are added in, the cost to produce the new iPad rises to $375.10. The BOM of the 16GB 4G LTE version amounts to $347.55, and the 64GB version is estimated at $397.95.


The $364.35 BOM represents 50 percent of the $729.00 retail price of the 32GB LTE version of the new iPad.


The very lowest-end version of the new iPad, with 16GB memory and no LTE, carries a combined BOM and manufacturing cost of $316. The highest-end model, with 64GB memory and integrated LTE, has a total BOM and manufacturing expense of $408.70.


Please note that these teardown assessments are preliminary in nature, account only for hardware and manufacturing costs and do not include additional expenses such as software, licensing, royalties or other expenditures.


The new iPad is more expensive to produce than the iPad 2 at the time of product launch, even though the retail price points are the same. The 32GB LTE model’s BOM is nearly 9 percent higher than an iPad 2 equipped with 32GB and 3G wireless, which carried a cost of approximately $335 at the time of product launch. Major factors driving up the BOM include the addition of the high-resolution Retina display, LTE wireless and a larger-capacity battery.


The table below summarizes the major components in the new iPad.

 New iPad Bill of Materials


Among all component suppliers, Samsung Electronics continues its reign as the big winner in the individual iPad analyzed by the IHS iSuppli Teardown Analysis Service. Samsung supplied both the display and the applications processor. The new iPad’s Retina display represents the most expensive single component in the tablet, at $87, while the applications processor costs an estimated $23. Combined, this gives Samsung a 30.2 percent share of the 32GB LTE version of the new iPad’s bill of materials, the largest for any supplier.  



Low-End iPad mini Carries $188 Bill of Materials, Teardown Analysis Reveals 
November 5, 2012 

The base model of Apple’s new iPad mini with Wi-Fi only and 16 gigabytes of NAND flash memory, carries a bill of materials (BOM) of $188.00, according to a preliminary estimate from the IHS iSuppli Teardown Analysis Service. When the $10.00 manufacturing expense is added in, the total cost to manufacture the iPad mini rises to $198.00.

Apple iPad mini BOM


Please note that this teardown assessment is preliminary in nature, accounts only for hardware and manufacturing costs and does not include additional expenses such as software, licensing, royalties or other expenditures.



大概該公司希望Apple只要用「成本價+銷售運費成本」來賣超低的iPad、iPad mini、iPhone等!

如果要像微軟+Andriod陣營那樣惡搞的話,Apple也可以啊~iPad、iPad mini、iPhone全系列只賣成本價,但是一套iOS要賣$400美金,而且出廠可以不預先安裝iOS,但之後也只能安裝iOS!任何user想要裝個什麼Win8或Andriod上去,硬體就拒絕執行!


企圖裝盜版JB iOS 6的話,安裝好系統以後,還要去Apple網站輸入「序號認證碼」才能啓動,不然7天後,照樣還是無法使用!





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