
美國新種蜘蛛 穴居鉗樣爪如刀



加州科學館(California Academy of Sciences)的昆蟲學家說,這種蜘蛛因為腳末端有致命的鉗樣爪而取名為「穴居猛蛛」(Trogloaptor),也就是「洞穴強盜」之意。這種蜘蛛的演化特徵非常獨特,代表這不只是新屬或新種,也是新的蜘蛛科。

「美國科學人」雜誌(Scientific American)報導,這種蜘蛛的每隻腳,末端都有彎曲、像是大鐮刀的鉗樣爪。




西部洞穴保護機構(Western Cave Conservancy)的一般科學家與加州科學館的蜘蛛學家,發現這些蜘蛛住在俄勒岡州西南部的洞穴。聖地牙哥州立大學(San Diego State University)科學家則在加州西北部的成熟紅杉森林發現更多穴居猛蛛。

New Spider Family Found In U.S. Caves


A team of amateur cave explorers and arachnologists has found a new family of spiders in caves and old-growth redwood forests in Oregon and California, U.S. researchers said Friday.

Entomologists at the California Academy of Sciences said the spider, named Trogloaptor -- or "cave robber" -- for its lethal front claws, had such unique evolutionary features that it represented not just a new genus or species, but also a new family of spiders.

The study, published in the journal ZooKeys, noted that finding a new, previously unknown family was rare, even for species-rich insects and arachnids.

Trogloraptor hangs beneath rudimentary webs spun below cave ceilings. It measures about 1.6 inches (four centimeters) wide when its legs are extended.


Trogloaptor真的是新品種蜘蛛嗎?還是以前沒有發現而已?Undecided 該不會是外星人把某蜘蛛抓去研究,OOXX一頓以後,就變成這種新的蜘蛛?Think 萬一某老美被這種新品種蜘蛛咬到,搞不好會變成蜘蛛人!Laugh

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