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Dolphin 7.3.4 Released正式發表,其中包含2個我親自回報的Bug修正

在大約一年前的「2nd of November 2016」發表「DolphinPro 7.3.3 Released. Important security update!」經過將近一年以後,終於發表修正許多Bug的「Dolphin 7.3.4」版本。因為一年多以來,都沒有任何的版本更新來修正問題,或是新增功能,甚至連老開發者都離職,讓某些使用Dolphin架設網站的站長認為Dolphin已死。

事實上BOONEX團隊正在研發一個完全不同的「UNA v9」社群網站系統。這個新的「UNA v9」與「Dolphin」程式碼完全不同,無法直接升級,只能透過把整個「Dolphin」匯入到新的「UNA v9」來搬移到新的網站。

Andrew Boon posted 2nd of January 2017 in Our Journey. 19 comments.
Lean, efficient, concise. These are the words for 2017. Less talk, more walk.

We have a lot to do...

- Release Dolphin v10

- Release UNA v9

- Build a new Messenger for both Dolphin and UNA

- Tidy up

- Bridge Dolphin and UNA

- Improve support response time

雖然Andrew號稱在今年要發表「Dolphin v10」但是從現在才發表「Dolphin 7.3.4」小幅度版本修正來看,這個空頭支票確定已經跳票!今年絕對不會有「Dolphin v10」甚至明年都很可能不會有「Dolphin v10」。

Dolphin 7.3.4 Released

Dolphin 7.3.4 is an important service update, bringing over 60 various fixes and minor enhancements. This version is a BETA release, non-upgradable, offered for testing purposes only.

Please, do not use this version for production sites. It is not upgradable, and not production-ready. We call for experienced webmasters and developers to download and test it on sandbox sites to help us verify that it is stable and ready for full release.

The long-awaited Dolphin 7.3.4 is here. While it's a service update, focused primarily on stability and bug-fixing, there are still plenty of enhancements. Altogether, 179 issues were addressed in this iteration.

Dolphin 7.3.4 is a stable version, recommended for all Dolphin-powered sites.

Closed 2 days ago 98% complete

Timeline: Warning on "Load More" click. bug

Bad paddings in Mailbox actions line. bug

Facebook connect: update sdk to the latest version enhancement

Photos(all media modules): privacy should be checked when file is access by direct image URL bug

Page didn't load Google Maps correctly duplicate

Newline escape sequence char (\n) showing in Tooltips bug

Events/Groups: attached video isn't correctly displayed in FF bug

Groups/Events: auto-subscribe when user is joined enhancement

Allow actions which are allowed for guests for non-active members bug

Facebook Connect - Auto Friend bug

Update PHPMailer to the latest version bug

URLs parsing problem bug

Ads: latest featured ad block is showing for admin only bug

Tags: database query error bug

Image uploading progress bar enhancement

Timeline: "Load More" in Outline on Homepage is loading the same posts continuously bug

Feedback: tags page problems bug

Timeline: repost of a single photo in an album cause incorrect date bug

site thumbnails in outline bug

Problem with HTTPS & Timeline Link Images bug

No translation for lang key bug

Ads: image is out of the container on mobile size screen

Database error on search.php page bug

Profile Pruning: Base "last login" date on user's registration date if they haven't logged in bug

Forum: set sql_mode bug

Photos/Videos/Sounds/Files: no index for 'Uri' field bug

private messages are showing the receiver's name bug

Make sure that Full-name, First-name and Last-name are searchable bug

Videos View - Related Video Block does not appear bug invalid 1Videos (and other media modules): no line breaks for media file description. bug

New Alert: when page is deleted from page builder

Fans Confirmation Error when Permalinks disabled bug

EVO Jumpy Background in IE bug

Site/Profile customizer: customization block isn't responsive. bug

Photo Grid Incompatible with Join Form bug

Problem with Ads text length limit bug

Update link to generate privacy text bug

Menu builder: incorrect legend bug

Sites: DB error bug

Mass Mailer: Add "All" or "Ignore Sex" to send options bug enhancement

When there is no sex & DOB fields on join form, it shows as underlines on browsing page bug

Text overflow issue in "Simple" view in Admin Panel bug

Text overflow issue in profile description block bug

Guest Commenting Bug On Timeline/Wall wontfix

Default currency for BitPay enhancement wontfix

Feedback: When a member is deleted, their feedback remains. Feedback for deleted members shows the current user instead. bug

Facebook removed FacebookLocales.xml file bug

Facebook share in EVO template bug

Facebook Connect - Extended Profile Infomation question

Forum: search term isn't properly escaped in regular expression

Chat+: display profile link for all users, not for admins only enhancement

World Map: map isn't loading sometimes bug

Timeline: Images are truncated on mobile devices. bug

Timeline: Apostrophe in NickName issue. bug

Login with long domain tld in email address isn't accepted bug

Profile/Account page -> view timeline block on mobile devices. bug

Possibility to override password hashing algorithm invalid

User not automatically logged in after joining bug

Use all supported Currencies in BitPay integration. enhancement

TinyMCE: enable fullscreen plugin

When DB connection is gone and email report about is sent - it fails

Comments: Links of a certain length are incomplete or not made at all


・Photos(all media modules): privacy should be checked when file is access by direct image URL bug

・Photos/Videos/Sounds/Files: no index for 'Uri' field bug

我自己修正好了「Photos/Videos/Sounds/Files: no index for 'Uri' field bug」這個Bug。因為要修正這個問題非常簡單,只要在phpMyAdmin的MySQL管理網頁裡面,在相簿、影片、聲音的Uri欄位,全部都按下「建立索引表」的按鈕就行了。


另外一個「privacy should be checked when file is access by direct image URL bug」的問題,由於原廠認定是Bug,而且已經排入修正時程表,所以我就懶得自己修正這個Bug,讓原廠來修正這個問題點。

當然,正式運作的網站,不能隨意升級到「Dolphin 7.3.4」!

我必須先在「地下社群網站」測試從目前的insoelr升級到新的「Dolphin 7.3.4」會不會有什麼嚴重的問題!因為insoler被我新增了許多原本海豚系統沒有的功能,修改了許多程式碼。所以必須先了解原廠從前一版的「Dolphin 7.3.3」到「Dolphin 7.3.4」更改了哪些部分?那些部分是不是剛好也被我同時修改成不同的功能?


也因此只是從「Dolphin 7.3.3」升級到「Dolphin 7.3.4」,很可能會需要一個星期,甚至是一個月的時間,默默的在地下室一一檢查完畢,才會正式升級insoler網站到新的版本。

這次升級到Dolphin 7.3.4的速度比我預計的一個星期還要更快就完成了!因為我修改最多的Photos模組,這次只有BxPhotosModule.php與BxPhotosPageView.php兩個PHP檔案而已,所以才能比預定的時間更早完成。



1. insoler「雲端相簿」支援直接上傳「RAW照片」檔案,並自動轉成JPEG顯示在相簿裡面


2. 顯示相片的EXIF資訊與GPS地圖資訊,而且支援多國語系


3. 上傳照片使用「非同步」後置處理,上傳照片的時候可以用最高的網路上傳速度,把照片上傳到insoler網站


4. 網站完全支援多國語系,包括TinyMCE的編輯器


5. 相片、部落格的「評論」功能,可以支援雙向通知功能


6. 在網站首頁新增「討論區最新話題」區塊

原版的海豚系統只能透過RSS Feed在網站首頁顯示「討論區最新話題」區塊。表面上好像可以使用,但其實透過RSS Feed功能的話,瀏覽器會另外呼叫RSS通訊協定,從網站伺服器主機重新送出RSS Feed內容!導致顯示速度更慢,而且還會增加網站伺服器主機與MySQL資料庫主機的負擔。


7. 支援「更新語系」功能

原本的海豚系統只能匯入新的語系。如果有修改目前語系的內容,例如繁體中文、簡體中文、日本語... 等,必須先刪除語系,才能以匯入新的語系的方式,來匯入修改過的內容。



所以不管是什麼情況,只能「匯入新的語系」是一個非常差,而且是過於簡陋,有點偷工減料的設計!所以我在海豚系統裡面新增了「更新語系」的功能,只要有修改過繁體中文、簡體中文、日本語... 等語系內容,就只要重新匯入一次即可更新完畢。

8. insoler討論區終於可以修改一篇話題的「標題」




9. 將MySQL資料庫從3位元編碼的utf8轉換成4位元編碼的utf8mb4

原本海豚系統使用的編碼系統是許多網站常用的utf8_general_ci、utf8_unicode_ci或是utf8_bin。這幾種都是1〜3位元編碼的Unicode多國語系系統。事實上Unicode是一個1〜4位元的多國語系系統,目前最新的版本是2017年6月20日發表的Unicode 10.0.0。由於有一些漢字(屬於極少使用的漢字與異體字)與許多的表情符號,都必須使用4位元編碼的Unicode,所以我把整個資料庫編碼改成最新4位元編碼的utf8mb4_bin或是utf8mb4_general_ci。

這樣就可以在文章裡面直接輸入Unicode 10.0.0支援的表情符號,例如笑臉的「?」、電腦的「?」、滑鼠的「?️」、貓的「?」、狗的「?」,或是漢堡的「?」等等。

蘇言霖 2017/10/19 0 1081
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2017/10/19 (2473 days ago)