Apache Software Foundation(ASF)は、オープンソースの無料オフィスアプリケーション「Apache OpenOffice 4.0」を公開した。Windows版、Mac版、Linux版がダウンロードできる。
LibreOfficeは自由でかつオープンソースのオフィススイートです。Windows、Macintosh、Linux を始めとする多くのプラットフォームで動作します。文書の作成やデータの処理のお役に立ちます豊富な機能を備えた6つのアプリケーションWriter、Calc、Impress、Draw、Math、Baseを提供します。ユーザーや貢献者、開発者からなる大きなコミュニティから、サポートとドキュメンテーションを無償で得ることができます。もちろん、あなたも参加して関わることができます。
LibreOffice 4.1.0、OpenOffice 4.0をインストールしたけど、前のOpenOffice 3.4のバージョンをそのまま残した。

Known Issues
- Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 will be flagged by the new Gatekeeper facility in Mac OS X Mountain Lion. This is a new feature to help guard against malware on Mac systems. There is a procedure laid out at the following link to allow applications not installed from the Mac App store to run. See the article at Mac support at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5290.
- Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 supports Java 7, which is the recommended configuration; but (especially on 64-bit Windows) you might receive warnings about the Java version being defective. In that case, download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. If you still have problems, install the most current JRE 6 version. Make sure you get the file "Windows x86 Offline (32-bit)". Then configure OpenOffice to use it at "Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Java". See this forum topic for more information.
- Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0. has got a new color palette. If you have migrated your "personal data" from a previous version, the old color palette is migrated too: you won't see the new palette and (if you are using a non-English version) some of the color names will appear in English only. To get the new palette close Apache OpenOffice and its quickstarter, search for the file “standard.soc” in your Apache OpenOffice user folder and rename the file, to “standard_AOO341.soc” for example. With the next start of Apache OpenOffice the new color palette is transferred to your user folder and is available.